Abandon Your Car is not a slogan or ideology so much as a reminder to all of us to get away from our petro-mobiles as often as we possibly can and embark on life as an adventure by bicycle.

go to our most recent posting here.

Monday, October 26, 2009

the Great Pumpkin has landed: OG orange Schwinn Varisty

just in time for Haloween, here's the latest curation to the South Routt Velosport fleet of vintage Schwinns: a dead original, garage-stored-for-life Schwinn Varsity. totally OG right down to the cables, orange handlebar tape, Schwinn saddle bag and rear carrier. not a speck of rust, just a bit dirty and needs some fresh orange plastic Hunt-Wilde handlebar tape from the great eBay store...

got it from the guy across the alley, he bought it new back in the day from La Habra Schwinn in SoCal. i will get the serial # and post up the build date and more photos in future installments as this exciting new project develops.

the 24" frame is a bit on the tall side for me, probably only an inch of seatpost will be showing when i get the fit all done up... perfect.